Building Capacity for Better Community – Supporting establishment of Community Forums in Municipality of Zvecan and Municipality of Skenderaj

Project overall goal is to increase local government transparency, responsiveness and accountability through citizen participation in Community. Community Forums in the municipalities of Zvečan/Zveqan and Skenderaj/Srbica (Villages, Settlements and Urban Quarters) established in the first phase of this project will directly benefit from the knowledge acquired at training, that will raise their capacity to conduct quality community planning and needs assessment, and address their needs directly to the municipal authorities. At least 40 Community Forums members will directly participate in project activities and training exercises. Read more at:

Organizacije: NVO NSI , IQS , Inclusive Development Programme
Lokacije: Zvečan , Srbica
Datum početka : 15, May 2019
Krajnji datum : 15, May 2020