Empowerment of Women’s Change Agents in Accessing Justice “I Insist on my Rights”

This project helped to increase women’s access to justice and marital property rights and address challenges women face during court procedures related to divorce, marital property division and financial maintenance through raising public awareness and advocacy with egislative bodies and prosecutors. For the first time in post-war Kosovo, women raised their voice against domestic violence publicly, by sharing their personal stories in a transparent way, without hiding their faces and identity. The Family Law amendment came into force with the advocacy led by INJECT and its network. This initiative advocated for better response to the violence against women/GBV cases, with particular emphasis on women's property and inheretance rights. The project supported the assessment of existing laws and launch a publication calling for the amendment of Family Law, particularly Joint Property and Financial Mainetenance. This initiative created a space for women, civil society organizations and institutions to sit together in several events in different municipalities and discuss on newly amended law provisions and the way women’s rights were violated during court proceedings. It also called for joint effort to promote women's property and inheritance rights through 'Institutional Treatment of Domestic Violence Cases”. Read more at: https://unmik.unmissions.org/gender-rights-researcher-has-legal-success-protect-women’s-property-rights