Raising awareness of school children about the importance of preserving environment and recycling

Educating and raising awareness of pupils in 28 schools in Gračanica/Graçanicë Municipality and selected schoiols in Lipjan/Lipljan and Obiliq/Obilic municipalities on the importance of preserving the environment through the introduction of practical and theoretical examples of waste management and environment protection trends. Lectures and roundtable discussions are conducted in schools with the support of the school directors and the teaching staff. Activities for the 3.2-month project also include the production of promotional materials on the importance of environmental protection and the purchase of trash bins for the schools. Read more at: https://unmik.unmissions.org/

Organizations: UNMIK , NGO Sjaj Sunca
Locations: Obiliq/Obilić , Lipjan/Lipljan , Gračanica/Graçanicë
Start Date : 20, August 2019
End Date : 30, November 2019
Tags: #YOUTH