This project aims at (i) raising awareness on gender equality and human rights – 2 one-day trainings for each 20 teachers ("training of trainers” methodology, i.e. beneficiaries expected to replicate the training) - 10 lectures by the trained teachers for 250 K Alb, K Serb, K Roma pupils - and at (ii) promoting inter-ethnic dialogue btw. youth of maj. and non-maj. communities in Kamenice/a Municipality. Item (ii) includes an “essay competition” (best essays to be published in booklet) and a “Human Rights Winter Camp” (40 participants). The NGO will endeavor to convince the municipality to assume some responsibility after the project.
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UNMIK , Network of Peace Movement
Locations: Kamenicë / Kamenica
Start Date
: 08, January 2020
End Date
: 15, June 2020