Strengthening institutional capacities in Kosovo to ensure adequate access to Justice and Information, and protection services for survivors of gender-based violence

UN Women and UNMIK equipped all eight domestic violence shelters in Kosovo, the shelter for victims of trafficking and the children’s shelter with television sets, computers and printers. The donation also included basic linens and a power generator for the shelter in the Serb-majority municipality of Novo Brdo/Novobërdë. Additionally, UN Women and UNMIK are engaging in an awareness raising campaign as part of the initiative. The campaign includes the distribution of pamphlets providing key resources and information for victims of domestic violence at pharmacies and supermarkets. It also foresees a video campaign featuring Kosovo institutional representatives bringing attention to the issue and informing about the institutional mechanisms available for victims. Read more at:

Organizations: UNMIK , UN Women
Locations: Kosovo-wide
Start Date : 28, October 2019
End Date : 15, June 2020