Strengthening the media sector to better serve the public interest

This project was designed with the aim of developing a professional community of ethical journalists in Kosovo who would hold each other accountable for maintaining agreed standards in the areas of diversity in reporting, multi-ethnic reporting and addressing misinformation. This includes strengthening Kosovo's media to play a role in overcoming stereotypes, build good relations between communities, hold leaders accountable and advocate for public interests; and simultaneously address hate speech, harmful narratives and societal divisions. By partnering with diverse media outlets and independent journalists, implementers CCD and KoSSev are involved in capacity building, awareness-raising, creation of a community, and production of guided media content by five major media outlets. One of the key outputs includes a series of videos on ethical reporting. Read more at:

Organizations: KoSSev , UNMIK , Centre for Communities Development (CCD)
Locations: Kosovo-wide
Start Date : 26, January 2020
End Date : 26, June 2020