Integrated Territorial Development 2

The Integrated Territorial Development 2 project builds on the successes of the ADC-UNDP “Local-level Response for Employment Generation and Integrated Territorial Development (InTerDev)” project that has been implemented in southern Kosovo’s municipalities of Dragash/Dragaš and Shtërpcë/Štrpce since 2014. This project has proven to address some of the paramount challenges citizens of not only the partner areas, but of Kosovo in general, face: high rate and long spells of unemployment, lack of decent income generation, poor public services, as well as socioeconomic exclusion of women, youth, and other vulnerable groups. Read more at:

Organizations: UNDP
Locations: Dragash/Dragaš , Štrpce/Shtërpcë , Viti / Vitina
Start Date : 01, January 2017
End Date : 01, January 2020