Category: News Organizations: UN Peacekeeping
18 March 2020, Pristina—The Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform, a first-of-its-kind hub of information on the initiatives, achievements, opportunities, and champions for building trust in Kosovo, has been publicly launched.
The Executive Director of the NGO that launched the site on March 18, New Social Initiative (NSI), Jovana Radosavljević wrote in an open letter of the renewed importance of trustbuilding considering the current challenging circumstances related to COVID-19:
“[P]recisely because of the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, trustbuilding and the Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform, have taken on new importance. Trust in one another has never been more critical to our collective well-being. This is why today we are virtually launching the Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform,” Ms Radosavljević wrote.
Physical distancing did not need to mean isolation, she said.
“The Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform can help digitally ease the burden by bringing you positive stories of people working together across communities, inspiration from champions forging trust in new and innovative ways, and the ability to connect and exercise solidarity with others at a time when our normal daily routines and social ties have been disrupted.”