
CPT: Internship call

Category: Open Calls
Organizations: NGO CPT

The NGO Center for Peace and Tolerance (CPT) from Gracanica announces a call for proposals for a new cycle of the program "Improving Inclusion of Graduates from Non-majority Communities in Central and Local Administration in Kosovo" for graduates from non-majority communities from the territory of Gracanica , Ranilug, Partesh, Novo Brdo, Klokot, Štrpce, North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic with the aim of supporting the professional development of members of these communities in Kosovo.

The aim of the project is to improve the skills of graduates from Serbian and other non-majority communities, enabling them to function as public servants professionally and effectively in local self-government units and / or central government institutions.

The program is based on professional practice (internship) and is designed to respond to the real needs of local government institutions in Kosovo, which in this case particularly applies to ten Serb majority municipalities. Through interactive learning, candidates will gather information about the real needs of local government administration, while at the same time tasked with responding to the needs of the population.

Up to 75 graduates will be selected in the first phase of the program. The internship will last for a total of 12 months, where the interns will receive a four-month training course that includes classes on computer and office equipment, Kosovo Public Sector - Institutions, Laws and Procedures, Business Correspondence and Client Communication, as well as Albanian and English classes language (after which they will take exams for additional certificates). Optional interns will also be offered a German language course. After completing the training, which is conducted in Serbian for 4 months, all candidates will take knowledge tests where all those who pass the test will be offered to continue their professional practice in one of the local self-government units within the next 8 months. to one of the central level institutions. Applicants with the highest marks will be given the opportunity to continue their internship at one of the Embassies / Liaison Offices in Pristina.