
US Embassy: New Opportunity

Category: Open Calls
Organizations: US Embassy

The United States Embassy in Kosovo announces an open competition for English Language Teaching and Learning Grant Program. U.S. Embassy Pristina’s Public Affairs Section will award small grants to support higher education institutions and/or NGOs to use English Language Programs to promote economic development challenges and global citizenship.

The goal of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit proposals that address and implement programs in any of the following three areas:

  • College readiness (via English)
  • English for Career Development
  • English for Business and Entrepreneurs

Proposals should clearly connect any of the themes above with the overall Public Affairs Office’s Strategic Message: “Kosovo is my home”. The “Kosovo is my home” concept encourages Kosovo citizens’ positive attachment to Kosovo at the individual, family, local, and national level.

Proposals should include appropriate funds for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of program successes and challenges, and a detailed description of how M&E will be carried out and program success will be determined.

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