Category: Open Calls Organizations: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Kosovo
The Political Academy of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung combines political education and practical training in a variety of disciplines. Its purpose is to educate and train individuals with progressive ideas and a progressive vision based on values such as freedom, social justice and solidarity, equality and antidiscrimination.
The program which is designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills aims to enable active, bright and visionary young people to enhance their knowledge and acquire new skills to enable them to actively deal with social and political issues that are of concern to the entire society in Kosovo.
Therefore, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung organizes an academy in the period from 06.09.2020 to 13.09.2020 (eight-day training seminar). Please be informed that in accordance with government restrictions due to the Sars CoV-2 pandemic, the dates for the seminar are subject to change.