Category: News Organizations: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
As part of the preparations for the International Museum Day, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, in cooperation with the National Museum of Kosovo, is preparing a virtual exhibition "My Museum", which will be marked on May 18, calling on citizens to give their contribution.
Due to the circumstances created by the Covid 19 pandemic, where many museums around the world remain closed, the activities planned to mark this day ICOM will bring them to a new form digitally. Kosovo has also joined this initiative as the National Museum of Kosovo has been celebrating this day with many activities for several years, and for almost four years it has been part of ICOM.
This year, too, organizations will be organized in Kosovo to mark this day with creative activities and events that will be brought digitally, including the virtual exhibition in question.
The virtual exhibition, which will be organized by the National Museum of Kosovo, aims to bring the museum closer to the residents of the Republic of Kosovo, to raise awareness about the values and preservation of our cultural heritage and diversity.
Specifically, my Museum is a virtual activity / exhibition organized to help the cooperation between the community and the Museum, and offers a new approach to inclusion by integrating in the exhibition collections from the family heritage of the inhabitants of the Republic of Kosovo. The purpose of staying at home is to build a virtual exhibition of works (drawings, paintings, designs), objects (work tools, utensils, furniture, old woodwork, metal, stone; clothing), photographs sent in digital format.
International Museum Day has been organized by ICOM (International Council of Museums) since 1977 for each year on May 18 with a special theme. To mark this day, more than 44,000 museums from 138 countries around the world are participating in creative activities and events related to the theme. The aim of these activities is to raise awareness among people that "Museums are a means of cultural exchange, enrichment of culture and mutual development, cooperation and peace between people."
The theme set for this year by ICOM “Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion” will be used by museums around the world as a credible point to celebrate cultural diversity among communities.
We invite you to become part of the exhibition "My Museum" and other activities, and we will meet together on May 18, 2020.