
UNDP continues with handover of IT equipment and protective items

Category: News
Organizations: Ministry of Economic Development , UNDP , Kosovo Employment Agency (KEA) , Public Employment Service (PES)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo, in immediate reponse to COVID-19, and in line with our mandate to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities,  provided today laptops, tablets and protective items to the Kosovo Employment Agency  (KEA) at the Ministry of Economy, Employment, Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments (MEETIESI). The equipment will allow Public Employment Service (PES) to continue their work more effectively during the current movement restrictions.

Ms. Rozeta Hajdari, Minister of Economy, Employment, Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments , H.E. Christoph Weidinger, Austrian Ambassador to Kosovo, Ms. Maria Suokko, UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Gunther Zimmer, Counsellor and Head of ADA in Kosovo, General Director of KEA, Mr. Drin Haraçia, and other MEETIESI, KEA, and UNDP and ADA officials were present at the handover which took place at the Kosovo Employment Agency.

This donation was provided as part of the regional project “Promoting Inclusive Labour Market Solutions in the Western Balkans” (ILMS II) funded by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The project aims to facilitate the work of the Public Employment Service (PES) while implementing the Government Emergency Fiscal Package in response to COVID-19 and provision of other employment services for registered jobseekers.

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