Category: Open Calls Organizations: Regional Youth Cooperation Office
WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO and UNFPA are calling for 18 enthusiastic young people, ages 18 to 27 from the Western Balkans 6, who will become peer trainers. The participants will take part in the main training based on y-peer methodology adapted to peacebuilding and reconciliation, and continue to work at local level in their communities with grassroot youth organisations and individuals from hard to reach groups[1].
The training aims to further develop thematic and training competencies of the participants and equip them with the tools needed to engage, understand and then address the issues that affect personal and community peace, safety and security among young people. The participants will become a network of trainers which will teach and transfer the acquired knowledge to other youth from their local communities, ensuring that more young people are taking an active and leading role in peacebuilding activities.
The goal is also for this group to become advocates of peace and security in their environments bringing change to their societies in the long run. This group will work in a multicultural environment of young people together with experts and facilitators starting from June to the end of 2020. The participants need to commit to engaging from the beginning to the end of the process, and their engagement will require up to 30 days (and up to 5 days at a time) during the course of the initiative.