
Improving the Health Care Providers Response Against Domestic Violence Cases.

Category: News
Organizations: OSCE , UNFPA

People affected by domestic violence often seek help from medical professionals. They are often the first or only professionals with whom victims of domestic violence have contact. Even though they are seeking help, victims may not talk about the abuse. This leaflet will help health care providers to:

  • recognize the first signs of domestic abuse
  •  refer victims to other services
  • record injuries and support victims access to justice.
Health care providers have a professional duty to accurately and objectively document violence. Medical records are an important and often crucial record used in investigations of domestic violence cases and in court rulings on these cases.

Documenting and Reporting Domestic Violence:
Victims are entitled to health services free of charge in Albanian and Serbian languages, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
Information and data on victims must be treated with confidentiality and protected based on the Law on Protection of Personal Data.

Prishtinë/Priština region: Main Family Health Center: 044 255 930
Mitrovicë/Mitrovica region: Hospital 049 702 710 and 044 919 414
Prizren region: 049 216 197 and 044 216 197
Pejë/Peć region: 049 930 296 and 044 145 249
Gjilan/Gnjilane region: Regional Hospital: 0280 321 111 and 0280 320 190

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