Category: News Organizations: UNKT
The complex state of peacebuilding is reflected in the media. This is one of the reasons why journalists have to be very careful in approaching situations that are sensitive to a particular society. Occasionally, workshops serve as very good tools for breaking different kinds of barriers. Such was the case at the workshop titled “The Role of Media in Peacebuilding” organized by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and supported by UN Women, as part of the joint UN Peacebuilding-funded project “Youth for Kosovo”. The workshop was attended by local-level journalists gathered to get trained on conflict reporting and the application of the gender perspective therein, as well as on the role of the media in peacebuilding.
Throughout the 2-day workshop, there was a lecture by the well-known journalist, Gjeraqina Tuhina, who with her admirable reliability and preparation shared her knowledge through excellent lecturing skills.
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