This project contributed to strengthening the capacity of relevant stakeholders in promoting women’s participation and leadership in decision-making processes, including political negotiations. It also strengthened regional networking and cooperation among women political leaders from Pristina and Belgrade as well as throughout the Western Balkans region. It helped to increase public awareness about critical need for women to be fully engaged in all tracks of the current negotiation/dialogue processes and garnered greater commitment of political leaders for a more inclusive process.
UN Global Open Day on Women, Peace and Security created a platform for women political, civil society and local leaders to highlight the importance of women’s meaningful participation in current political processes and to formulate key issues and positions to influence and inform the current negotiations. It resulted inseveral specific recommendations to promote women’s participation and leadership in decision making processes, particularly in political processes.
A total of 251 participants (161 women and 85 men) from different communities across Kosovo, including parliamentarians, politicians, government officials, civil society activists, representatives of the international community and regional participants interacted on the issues of women’ leadership and political participation. A televised debates was broadcast through the local TV (RTK) with subtitles of the discussion in Albanian, Serbian and English languages.
Read more at:
UNKT , UN Women , UNMIK , EU , BIRN , Women’s Caucus in Kamenicë/Kamenica
Locations: Kosovo-wide