
Call for Applications: Women in Politics – Confidence, Influence and Effective Leadership

Category: Open Calls
Organizations: UNMIK

Background: As key global players and partners in the full implementation of the Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, the United Nations and European Union consistently promote gender equality, women's empowerment and women's rights in line with UN Security Council resolution 1325 and the nine other resolutions on WPS. The EU Council conclusions on Women, Peace and Security adopted on 10 December 2018, state that implementation of the WPS agenda can only be achieved by “integrating a gender perspective and women's participation in all contexts, from conflict analysis to subsequent actions, including dialogue facilitation, mediation, peace negotiations and other conflict prevention and resolution tools.” Almost twenty years after the adoption of UNSCR 1325, women in Kosovo remain underrepresented in decision-making bodies at central and local levels despite the presence of well-established women’s networks, highly-effective women leaders and an advanced legislative framework that obliges legislative, executive and judicial bodies to adopt and implement special measures to ensure equal representation of women and men. While the 30 per cent quotas under the electoral laws are met in Kosovo Parliament and Municipal Assemblies, the requirement of equal participation of men and women under the Law on Gender Equality has not been met. Very few women occupy decision making positions in political parties. Women's representation at government remains below the legal requirement of 50 per cent. At the local level, although there was a percentage point increase in the representation of women in Municipal Assemblies, there are no women holding mayoral positions. This was also noted in the 2019 EU progress Report along with the lack of implementation of the respective legal framework. In addition, women’s limited participation in current political negotiations in the broader region, including Kosovo, has been highlighted as a concern by the EU and in recent reports of the United Nations Secretary-General on Kosovo. Project Description: The project consists of three different components with a focus on enabling women to reflect about their experiences, to examine their patterns of behaviour that might be standing in their way towards more full participation in the public life in Kosovo and to distinguish these from the structural limitations to exercising their leadership more fully. -First, a five-day leadership training for 15 women leaders and influencers will be held in Pristina between 9-13 December 2019. It will blend elements of personal self-discovery, practical skills and leadership strategies to master challenges in the workplace and public life (including political parties and offices). During the training a personalized learning and roadmap will be developed for each participant followed by coaching sessions. The coaching sessions will be provided to all the women individually. -Second, the selected 15 women will participate at a networking event that will be organized in Brussels (in February 2019). This two-day study visit will be an opportunity for the women leaders to meet with other prominent women from the EU institutions (Commission, Parliament) and the European Women's Lobby. The networking will enable the women to establish contacts and future cooperation in the field of empowerment of women and gender equality. -Third, a workshop on “Good Governance and accountability” with special focus on gender responsive and inclusive political processes will be held in Pristina in February 2019. In this workshop participants will discuss how to ensure that the principles of inclusive, accountable governance go beyond rhetoric, be that in government institutions, within the political parties, in civil society organizations, media and other spheres of public life. Read more at: