
The progress of each society depends on the level of trust between its citizens

Category: Blog

For Croatia as the youngest member state, the European Union was and is an unprecedented peace project, but also it is the community based on shared values of democracy, freedom, the rule of law and solidarity. The European Union represents a free and voluntary unification of the European continent. It represents peace, security, stability, cooperation and trust. Let us not forget that the sole idea of European integration was conceived after WWII in order to prevent future war conflicts on European soil.

Croatia, as the first post-conflict country that has joined EU, is deeply aware of the value and importance of the European Union as a peace project and that is why we are aware of the importance of trust-building in a post-conflict society. Wars and conflicts produce material damages but they also cause very deep and long-lasting consequences in the societies affected. So one of the priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union is enlargement, which we consider to be a guarantee of progress and stability in Southeast Europe. And we see Zagreb Summit in May 2020 as a unique opportunity to establish a political and strategic long-term plan for the stability and progress of Southeastern Europe.

The process of European integration at all its stages, from the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement onwards, is a process of building state institutions and a process of building of the functional and efficient state. It is also a mechanism of reconciliation in society, of building society itself, as well as it is a process of renewing and strengthening the regional relations. We believe that the regional cooperation and the development of good neighborly relations are of the utmost importance, and therefore a credible and effective enlargement policy should be based on a confirmed European perspective of candidates and potential candidates and on meeting the established criteria, and based on the principle of each country's achievements.

The progress of each society depends on the level of trust between its citizens therefore the society that excludes its groups or entire communities cannot make progress. This is why trust-building process, especially in a post-conflict society such as Kosovo, means investing in the future of the country because there is no social, economic or any other progress if some members, groups or entire communities are excluded.

This is my third ambassadorial post to the countries of the region and I can say that there is no universal prescription. Every state and every society has to find its own model. But at the same time, one thing is common for all ant that is a dialogue. It takes courage, commitment and vision to start a dialogue. And in most cases, the conversation is difficult, slow and very often painful because it has many layers of accumulated human, social and historical traumas. But there is no alternative to dialogue. Conflicts and wars, and this region have unfortunately experienced it in the recent past, have not solved a single outstanding issue. On the contrary, those open issues were multiplied.

It is necessary to start the trust-building process not only because of us but for the sake of future generations. If we transfer to them our narratives, our imagined or real obstacles, our prejudices then our children will have to fight our battles. The society in which different groups live in their own parallel worlds, with very limited or no interaction among them at all, it is a society where a high risk of future potential tensions and threats exists.

A strong political will is needed to start the trust-building process and changes, but at the same time, the process requires the will and courage of every individual. We have to make an effort to listen and hear the fears of the others, and to understand each other. We have to make an effort to listen and hear opinions different from ours or different from those very often created by the fake news or hate speech in media that instead of professional ethic follows the particular interests. Building trust in society, open dialogue and strengthening European values are the path to the long-term stability of the countries in the region and the path to the place in the European family. European Union reaches its decisions by consensus, and a prerequisite for reaching consensus is confidence-building and trust-building. But I am convinced that Kosovo, with its young population, has enough courage, determination and will to build prosperous society for all!