
Statement by Ambassador Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, EU Special Representative

Category: News
Organizations: EU

Statement by Ambassador Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, EU Special Representative:

“Kosovo’s society, like many of those in Europe and around the world, is facing an unprecedented health crisis urgently needing a timely response by all Kosovo authorities coupled with responsiveness and cooperation from all its citizens. It is only by assuming a spirit of cooperation and solidarity that we can overcome together the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I stress in particular the importance of reaching out to the most vulnerable and isolated communities who are particularly disadvantaged in accessing essential services and provisions.

Under such urgent circumstances it is time to put aside political differences and unhelpful debates. Kosovo needs to strengthen its inter-institutional collaboration and regional co-operation in order to enable every possible assistance to those affected by COVID-19.

In this context I highly commend the joint statement issued by Minister Vitia and Minister Jevtić on 2 April 2020 and all other efforts of the Kosovo institutions aimed at increasing cooperation and providing support to all communities living in Kosovo.

It is of utmost importance that citizens, Kosovo wide, in every municipality receive clear information on what services are available to them and how they can be assisted in prevention and in case of infection.”

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