Category: News Organizations: HLC
Over two decades later, families of missing persons are yet to exercise their rights to know the truth regarding the circumstances of the disappearance of their members, to learn the location of the bodies of their loved ones, and find justice. The process of discovering the locations of secret gravesites and exhumation of the remains has seen a significant stagnation in recent years.
Therefore, on the occasion of the National Day of Missing Persons, the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo (HLCK) calls on the domestic authorities to address as a matter of priority shedding light on fate of missing persons and thus realize the right of their families to learn the truth about what happened to their loved ones. Prosecution and judicial authorities should also prioritize the investigation and prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the cases of missing persons.
In honor and memory of the missing persons, HLCK invites you to the screening of the first video-animation on the events of the war in Kosovo.
After the conclusion of public lectures “Today, 20 Years Ago”, HLCK believed it was important to create video-animations to remember the events and victims as a consequence of the war.
Today, HLCK visualizes the disappearance of 20 men in the village Goden, launching the first of video animations produced in honor of victims and their families.
The video-animations were developed based on the stories of eyewitnesses and relatives of the victims, documentation from courts, and other sources.
Click here to watch the video.