IOM assisted 66 additional vulnerable families with food and non-food items

Category: News
Organizations: European Union Kosovo , EU , IOM

As a continuation of the rapid response to the COVID-19, in the period from 8-12 May 2020, IOM, through its EU-RRK V project, assisted 66 additional vulnerable families with food and non-food items in the municipalities of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Istog/Istok and Gjakovë/Djakovica. This brings the count to a total of 252 families assisted to date and this delivery concludes the immediate emergency response. This additional support was approved by the EU Office in Kosovo in the context of emergency assistance to help families in need in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

As was the case in previous distributions, along with packages, the beneficiaries have also received WHO leaflets and posters on COVID-19 protection measures.

The EU-Return and Reintegration in Kosovo phase V (EU-RRK V) is a project funded by the EU Office in Kosovo in partnership with the Ministry of Communities and Return (MCR), and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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