
OpisMEDIJavanje with Sanja Sovrlić

Category: Video
Organizations: KoSSev , UNMIK

Everyone has the right to access documents of public importance, although it is most often expected from journalists, the editor of the Crno Beli Svet portal, Sanja Sovrlic said. It is important to use this option because institutions are not the private property of individuals and everyone has the right to know how citizens’ money is being spent, Sovrlic added.

In the latest episode of the media literacy campaign “OpisMEDIJavanje,” Sanja Sovrlic spoke about what information is of public importance, who can access it and how, and why respecting the law on access to information of public importance is important both for citizens as individuals and journalists as professionals.

„Information of public importance is information found in the documents in the possession of the authorities – local or central institutions, which is subject to or for which there is public interest. These are various memoranda, contracts, agreements, draft budgets and the like. There is a wide range of documents that are of public interest,“ Sovrlic underlined.

A request to access such documents may be submitted by any citizen, in writing or orally, or by submitting a request to the official in charge of public information, she said, adding:

„In Kosovo, however, you often deal with institutions that do not have officials in charge of receiving such requests. Very often, they use this as an excuse that they cannot or do not have the capacity to respond to those requests.“

Sovrlic, however, stressed that the information seeker should not be satisfied with this, or with a reply that does not provide full information. She urged them to use every legal option available to force the institutions to do their job – by addressing the Ombudsman or the competent regional court.

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