
My Vision for Kosovo: A Home of Young Europeans

Category: News
Organizations: EU

This is my fourth year in Kosovo; a good time to take stock of our common achievements and the remaining challenges. Before coming to Pristina, I heard that Kosovo is the home of "young Europeans". I was not sure what this meant at the time other than a reference to Kosovo's demographics. But now I can say with conviction that Kosovo's youth is impressive both in numbers and quality. I participated in debates at schools and universities where I came face to face with engaged and critical thinking youths who at the same time are staunch pro-Europeans. They are Kosovo's biggest asset. They must be provided with adequate support and opportunities to progress and lead Kosovo. For this to happen, Kosovo needs a modern education system; one that is properly equipped to deal with modern challenges. Unfortunately, the PISA score demonstrates that we are not there yet. More efforts are needed to reverse this trend which is why we, as the EU, have marked education as a top priority in our assistance to Kosovo. We hope our determination to affect change will be matched by Kosovo's policy makers, whether in government or opposition. Read more at: