
OpisMEDIJavanje with Rabisha Muhaxhiri

Category: Video
Organizations: KoSSev

„The basic task of public services broadcasters is to inform, educate, and entertain the audience by providing them with content of wider social significance. The purpose of the public service broadcaster is to serve the needs and interests of the public,“ the RTK community program editor, Rabisha Muhaxhiri said.

In the latest episode of the media literacy campaign “OpisMEDIJavanje,” Muhaxhiri spoke about the public broadcasters, their importance, as well as why non-majority communities must have a program in their language.

According to Muhaxhiri, minority communities need to have a program in their languages ​​as part of the public service broadcasters because „we live in societies based on the knowledge that is global – in one way or another, but diverse as well.“

Muhaxhiri also believes that a public service broadcaster is a place that reflects the pluralism of society.

„That is why all participants should be allowed to freely express their views in public debates on issues important for all communities. This service is based on the principles of democracy, operates under public supervision, and is financed with public money.“

She said that the Kosovo public service broadcaster – RTK used BBC as a model for programs in other languages.

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