Category: Blog Organizations: Alternativna , Mitrovica Rock School , UNMIK
Erjona, Marko, Emin, Engjell, Mihajlo and Emir are the members of the band "Zenith". At the end of November they celebrated the band anniversary while waiting for the video of their latest song "Goodbye" to be published. Every single of them has a different way of playing music, but it is clear that there is no lack of harmony. Together they find and share ideas. Apart from ideas, they are connected by music also. This is just another sign of good communication. We spoke with two members of the Zenith band, guitarist Marko Čemerikić, and vocalist Erjona Sylejmani.
They entered the world of music almost in the same period, as nine-year-olds. Erjona discovered her talent for music with the help of her music teacher, and three years later the music became for her a “serious thing”.
Her colleague from the band started playing the violin as a nine-year-old boy. After the violin, he tried the piano, and then he opts for the guitar which he has been playing for two years.
"I have to say it's a great feeling and I'm really glad that I'm playing guitar and making music at this time of my life," says nineteen-year-old Marko.
These two young people have similar relationship towards music.
Asked what the first thought is that comes to her mind when the word 'music' is uttered, Erjona answers:
"Happiness. Music has brought me a lot of happiness and changed my whole life. Music helps me not only by singing, but also by listening to it”.
Marko explains:
"Music is the purest form of art for me. Of course, there can be some really strange and not so good musical works, but still most of them are pure and uncensored music.”
"Music is a big part of my life, I like to listen to it, I like to listen how people present themselves through it and how they see the world around them. That is music for me. You can raise your voice about everything that makes you happy or bothers you, or whatever."
Marko and Erjona believe also that will, time and hard work create a good musician.
"I've learned that in order to do anything well you have to be dedicated, patient, and willing to do even better," says Marko.
"Accurate singing, knowing the true color of your own voice, knowing what you can sing and what you can't, is very important to me. And of course, you have to work hard and love what you do," adds Erjona.
These young musicians are dedicated and love what they do, as do their colleagues.
How would they describe their band members and the band?
"Incredible. We have great fun and do well. We are united while we quickly find ideas and work on them hard and they then turn out to be good,” Erjona points out.
Her colleague adds:
"It's fun to play and make music with them. We all have different musical backgrounds and I think that’s the best way to make good music. Zenith is a really good band for me - a new band, there is nothing to lose, just to gain. We all have different ways of playing or expressing ourselves, and that is a sign of good communication and the band in general."
A sign of good communication is mutual trust also.
What does trust mean for these two musicians?
"I'm glad I have people to whom I can trust, but I also had those who played that trust, so... It's a double-edged sword," says Marko.
"Trust is an important thing for me, but it's hard for me to gain it. It is good to have loyal people around you, with whom you can freely share your ideas and dreams," Erjona points out.
These young people have stepped out of the comfort zone, bridging the differences, primarily those individuals in temperament and personality – trough musical steps.
Zenith band is part of the Mitrovica Rock School, which exists for 10 years. About 1,100 young people passed through this school, 44 ethnically mixed bands were formed, of which 19 wrote or write their copyright songs.
Persistence is clearly conveyed to their students. That is reflected in the messages of our interviewees also.
"Work on your dreams, don't give them up. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Try to keep what you want to do, "says Erjona in her message to young people.
"Don't give up. Strive to be better and live your life the best you can,” - Marko points out.
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Photo source: Mitrovica Rock School