
We understand each other best by talking!

Category: Blog
Organizations: YIHR KS , Alternativna , UNMIK

I'm happy because I've met a lot of good people to stay in touch with; my experience was great, we hung out with people from different communities; I have made new friends and experience – this is how three young people speak – Yasir Misini, Andjela Mihajlovic and Shend Badivuku. They come from different communities, and the venue for their joint meeting was the recently held Storytelling camp at the Amazona Hotel (Milosevo), organised by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo (YIHR KS), with the support of UNMIK.

The two-day storytelling camp brought together 45 young people from different communities, and we asked Albulena Uka of the YIHR about the camp.

"The main goal was to bring together young people from different communities from Kosovo who will learn about human rights through the storytelling methodology with a particular focus on economic and social rights," Uka replies, adding:

"In addition, through discussions in focus groups and with knowledge of economic and social rights, they have prepared stories that deal with these issues, which will be shared during the live libraries that will be organised after the camp. This activity has trained participants to stand up for their rights."

Referring to the atmosphere during the camp, Uka says participants were of different ages, educations and came from different cities in Kosovo, however:

"All these differences were not felt at all, as the atmosphere between all the students was really great."

"They were willing to meet each other and make new friends," Uka said.

Uka's words are confirmed by the camp participants themselves.

"I am satisfied, because we learned about economic and social rights, and on top of that we talked about the Covid-19 pandemic and how we all confronted it, which helped us learn about each other's culture," impressions of Yasir Misini, who comes from the Roma community.

He also believes that the best socialising is at a camp like this, since the participants come from different communities.

"The workshop itself was great, because through each-other’s energy we learned something and had fun at the same time. Also, what I liked about this workshop was the way we all approached this camp and we really wanted to share personal stories with each other, somehow, we felt the need to say what was troubling us or how we felt," said Andjela Mihajlovic, on the other hand.

Positive impressions brings also Shend Badivuku:

"My experience was educational, fun, adventurous and exploratory. I've never been to a training where I could express myself in my native language. In the trainings I've been to, English has always been a working language and sometimes me, or any other participant, would’ve had it hard in the way of expressing himself honestly. Giving us the opportunity to speak in our native language, and with the translation of other languages, the storytelling camp really managed to get our raw opinions, thoughts and theories.”

In addition to socializing and making new friendships comes trust. Our interlocutors, young people, we asked what it represented for them.

"Trust can be interpreted in different contexts, but one of the most prominent forms is confidence that   ensures that a person can be dependent on someone else. We certainly can't do anything without confidence," Yasir said.

"Trust is when you feel calm, relaxed and freedom," Andjela said.

"Trust is a central segment of human relations that represents faith in a person's sincerity, that they will remain faithful to you and that you are sure with it that you can freely express your opinion and be yourself," Uka concludes.

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Photo Source: YIHR KS