
OpisMEDIjavanje with Anđelka Ćup

Category: Video
Organizations: KoSSev , UNMIK

Only a small number of media crews reporting in the Serbian language can be seen at press conferences in Pristina. Very often, the only journalist reporting in Serbian attending these conferences is the Gracanica Online portal editor, Andjelka Cup. In the latest episode of “OpisMEDIJavanje”, Cup talked about why – as the only direct link between Pristina institutions and the Serbian-speaking public – she often feels humiliated and irrelevant, and why she perceives work from Pristina as the Torment of Tantalus.

In addition to financial (in)dependence, Kosovo Serb journalists face a more serious problem – obtaining information sources, Cup stressed.

„Kosovo Serb journalists face a problem with obtaining statements and information from certain institutions where Serbs are in power, because politicians assess which side you are on. Another problem is that politicians from the majority community perceive you as an unfriendly and as someone who is completely irrelevant. This is especially evident at press conferences, when issuing announcements and notices, which are rarely available in the Serbian language,“ Cup explained.

The editor of Gracanica Online, who is often the only Serbian journalist attending conferences in Pristina, described these conferences without the services of an interpreter as “the Torment of Tantalus“, adding that this is the reason why she often feels unimportant and humiliated while on duty.

„Because of the disrespect of your language and disrespect for the law that guarantees the equal use of Serbian and Albanian, you have to wonder what you are actually doing there. When in fact, you simply want to inform your readers, viewers, and listeners on time and professionally about everything that is happening in the area they live in,“ she said.

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