Category: Open Calls Organizations: KCSF
Engagement for Joint Action (EJA Kosovo) is a KCSF program that supports civil society initiatives through grants and capacity building with the overall aim to contribute to a democratic and inclusive society in Kosovo, on its path towards integration into the European Union.
Centering citizen engagement and participation throughout the work of civil society, EJA Kosovo aims to contribute towards two main objectives where: (a) civil society uses and claims spaces for participation in shaping public affairs and (b) civil society organizations have strengthened ties to their constituents and improved accountability and transparency towards the wider public and their constituents.
Institutional grants aim to support the implementation of the strategies of the organizations and in parallel with strengthening internal organizational capacities become the voice of citizens in the thematic areas that they cover. Financial support for the work of the organization is intended to sustain organizations that are change agents and to act and contribute to main societal developments in their area of expertise. Moreover, institutional grants enable organizations to address consistently identified issues and whenever they appear without the need to plan them well in advance as in the case of project grants. No more than 15% of the total proposed budget can be allocated for organizational development.